Error Ssl: Nzos_handshake Failed How To Fix MS Outlook SSL Error?

How to fix MS Outlook SSL error? - error ssl: nzos_handshake failed

I connected both computers via Cat5 cable to the private IP address in the same building, and then install Active Directory and DNS settings on the domain controller, right on the Exchange Server installs and configures two accounts and then I added a new account my MS Outlook, but when I test my account gives me this error: (The connection to the server has failed. Account: '198 .16.0.1 ', Server: '198 .16.0.1', Protocol: POP3, Port : 110, Secure (SSL): No, Socket Error: 10061, Error Number: 0x800CCC0E).

Advance open later and changed the "Incoming mail server (POP3)" to "110" 995 ", but could not solve the problem. I checked" Log on using Secure Password Authintication (SPA), but could not solve.

I would be grateful if you tell me how to fix it?


Note: I use MS Outlook, Yahoo, Hotmail and others.


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