Credit Counseling Oregon Which Is The Best Consumer Credit Counseling Agency?

Which is the best consumer credit counseling agency? - credit counseling oregon

I know there are many out there. I know that for someone who is "non-profit." But I'm sure some are better than others! I want to meet only the best choice.

I live in Oregon, if that makes any difference.


SPIFIMAN... said...

I'm over the years I have slimick Consumer Credit Counseling Services for several years, and they are great.

She lowered the interest rate and monthly payments and be debt free in 36 months.

You can call 1-800-388-2227.

Bill C said...

Just because something "profit" does not mean it's a scam. I have a client that does not matter, not a profit and reduce debt, they have very little of this work to pay much money was to be made.

CatDad said...

Consumer Credit Counseling Service (CCCS)

You can use the local Red Cross request for a transfer.

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