Cool Ashtrays What Has Become Of Ashtrays And Lighters In Cars?

What has become of ashtrays and lighters in cars? - cool ashtrays

When I was a child, my parents had always cars at least 5 times, 4 ashtrays and lighters. It was cool, especially for us kids in the backseat. Three of us can stay here and we all had our individual ashtrays. Electric cigarette lighters were also beautiful, because they had no fire, they were safe for our use.
Today, our cars are only an ashtray, and he is in the foreground. Who is at the back to use the window? This practice is illegal in most places and can cause fires.
What's the deal?


Randy C said...

Modern Thought brings children in the backseat. Children should not smoke. So do not put ashtrays in the rear seats. I remember an old car, my mother had ashtrays in the arms of the body. Today sockets extra light cigarettes in the backseat entertainment devices to power. Now that smoking is persona non grata for car manufacturers have abandoned the idea because they also make it easier to default style in the region and fewer parts. I recently rented a Chevrolet Malibu and was not even an ashtray receptacles being little more than 2.

Emily May 11/10/08 :) said...

I was in a car with friends who had lighters in the back seat .. I was surprised, and aww .. But he has said he did not know: (so I pushed it all, and my thumb when I was wrong .. it does not work, have stuck in my thumb and melted skin.. It was a light, had that old yet feels hot outside. Perhaps that is why they are so stupid .. people like me, you can block general:) oh an I still think the shirt completely. :)

golden rider said...

This reduces costs for manufacturers. fewer components, less money.

arikdro said...

the ashes to eat me!

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